Students take on international issues at Model United Nations (MUN) Conference
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Freemen's students take on human rights, security, politics, radicalistion and more at the latest MUN Conference at the City of London Boys' School.

 Here is what our students thought of the conference: 

Conrad Parks:

The day began with the City of London introducing their guest speaker - James Robbins, a BBC foreign correspondent, to talk to us about his interesting past experiences and other topical issues. Mr Robbins talk inspired all the delegates as he spoke with passion and understanding about world affairs. The most memorable and shocking part about his talk was when he compared the two deeply contrasting and memorable interviews he had undertaken in his career: Colonel Gaddafi and Nelson Mandela. He noted the surrounding atmosphere and vibe each person gave off was the exact opposite of the other interviewee. After hearing his enlightening and intriguing talk I asked Mr Robbins his opinions of Donald Trump and the presidents' rise to power, his detailed reply was optimistic and comforting for all who were listening and delved into the impact Mr Trump will undoubtedly have on the world of politics.

Francesca Flynn:

In a day of interesting debate about the Rohingya people, a persecuted minority in South East Asia, in the Human Rights Committee, I managed to pass a clause as France and later the resolution which contained it, while arguing against Russia's suggestion for the persecuted Rohingya people to be even more oppressed. I am looking forward to our next conference and MUN club in between. 

Kamran Rajendran:

CLS MUN was one of the most enjoyable conferences I had so far. Being in the Security Council was quite an interesting experience. We debated about the question of Israeli settlement in the Westbank and there were many fruitful debates with a total of 8 clauses being passed the most I have ever witness so far. However, a lot of the open and close debates were avoided due to many of the delegates calling for 'the motion to move to voting procedure,' as many of the clauses passed we agreed during informal caucuses and lunch break. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience with a lot more of new MUN skills I have learnt and adopted. 

Izzy Tod:

I represented France in the political committee. We debated the problem of ISIL, and the best course of united action. I put forward a clause about radicalisation in prisons, which was the first clause passed, despite much vocal opposition from Israel. Representing France was a challenge, as it is a nation that holds very strong opinions that were widely understood throughout the delegation. In the emergency debate, I united with other NATO countries to solve the Armenia Azerbaijan conflict, helpfully offering unlimited access to France's nuclear weapons. Overall, the committee passed a range of beneficial clauses on the two issues, and I enjoyed a day of productive debate.

Lani Robinson:

For the CLS conference, I was the delegate of France and given the question of the Gambian situation to debate. Initially, after looking at the topic of my committee, I was rather confused about the aim of the day, as there was not an obvious problem to address. However, researching further into the country proved otherwise. Issues in education, women's right and trade agreements were discussed extensively in the committee producing a useful and universal resolution.

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