Fencers Success at IAPS Fencing Championship
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Five of our fencers made the long trip to Millfield school on Saturday May 13th for the IAPS fencing Championships. An extremely successful trip, all came back with a medal or a trophy!

There was a record entry for the tournament this year, with 14 events across three weapons (Epée, Foil & Sabre), across three age groups, both boys and girls.  Freemen’s were represented in three of the Epée events with five fencers (and parents!) making the trip to Somerset.

The format was two rounds of ‘poules’ of five or six fencers (i.e. four or five fights per poule round all fought to five hits) followed by direct elimination matches down to the finals, fought to 10 hits in the lower ager groups and 15 hits for the U14 events.

In the U14 boys Epée, Mark Taylor successfully made it through the poule rounds.  He then fought his way through the tableau of 32 and 16 to make the final tableau of eight before being eliminated, finishing fifth overall (from of 28 entries) in a tough event featuring several GB National finalists / Champions.

In the U11 boys Epée, the largest event of the weekend, Ollie Keen also successfully negotiated the two poule rounds to make the elimination phase.  He then successfully made it through the tableau of 64, 32 and 16 to make the last eight, finishing sixth overall from a field of 47 entries.  A promising result from one of our younger fencers with less than a year’s competitive experience. 

The remaining Freemen’s entries came in the U11 girls.  With just a year of competitive fencing behind them, Jessica Barnor, Elina Dernika and Sophie Arter were all competing.  All three did well in both poule rounds to make the last 16 and then won their first elimination bouts to reach the last eight.  Unfortunately, they all ended up on the same side of the draw and in the last 8, Sophie & Jessica were drawn against each other.  The girls seem to be making a habit of this and on this occasion, the result from last month’s British Youth Championship was reversed, with Sophie going through to the top four.   Elina also won her last eight match to reach the top four, meaning a semi-final match between Sophie & Elina.  Typically in club matches things were very tight with Elina just missing out 9-10 putting Sophie through to the final.  The final was close fought, but unfortunately, Sophie just lost out to her Millfield opponent 7-10.

Final placings:  Jess Barnor sixth equal, Elina Dernika third equal, Sophie Arter second (from a field of 22).
Thanks to all the parents for their support in making the arduous journey down to Somerset. Overall a great set of results for Freemen’s against strong opposition.  Congratulations to all!

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