Students Enjoy City Visit 2018
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Students at the top of both the Junior and Senior Schools spent a glorious day in the City of London on Wednesday 21 March.

Freemen's maintains strong connections with the City of London Corporation and students annually attend a City Visit where they are able to engage with and learn something of the history and traditions of one of the oldest and most important institutions in the country.

As part of this year's visit, students travelled to the City where they attended a church service at St. Lawrence Jewry Church followed by lunch in Guildhall Livery Room, catered by local charity 'The Clink'. In the afternoon, Lower 4 pupils visited the Museum of London, where they explored the ‘Victorian’ and ‘People’s City’ galleries whilst the Upper 6 students visited the London Eye and enjoyed spectacular bird’s eye views of the City of London. 

The original idea behind the annual visit to the City was to ensure that the pupils did not forget the School’s links with London and its foundation in Brixton. The first City Visit took place in 1951 and the basic pattern – a visit to a place of interest and a church service for every pupil in the School – has varied little since.

Headmaster, Roland Martin, said of the day: "The annual City Visit is always an important commemorative date in the School calendar and a rite of passage to students moving up through the School or coming to the end of their time with us. Breathing Ashtead air daily, in our green and pleasant parkland, it is sometimes easy for pupils to overlook our relationship with the City of London but trips like the City Visit help to strengthen these links and engage our students with this historic corporation and the part which we have to play in it."

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