Freemen's Teacher Receives Prestigious Award
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Freemen’s English teacher and Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator, Mr New was recently awarded a special award in recognition of Ten Years’ Continued Service for the Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Award.

“I was at the DofE awards ceremony at St James’ Palace as a marshal presenting certificates when I was presented with my own award out of the blue,” Mr New explained. “It was a bit of a shock but a great feeling to be recognised for my commitment to the Award as, after completing my own course of DofE Awards, I wanted to carry on and inspire younger generations to get involved – something I am able to do at Freemen’s.”

Speaking of his experiences of the DofE programme, Mr New went on to explain, “DofE was one of the reasons I initially got into teaching as I have very fond memories of my own time on expeditions and as a volunteer football coach. I think DofE is something all young people should have the opportunity to take part in as although it is hard work, it is also very rewarding. You get the opportunity to work as a team and gain a sense of independence and adventure whilst giving something back to the community through volunteering. Also, there’s really nothing like the final awards ceremony at the Palace to celebrate the culmination of all your efforts in the presence of royalty!”

Congratulations to Mr New from all at Freemen's on receiving this prestigious award.

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