Happy Brother's Day
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Celebrating National Brother's Day at City of London Freemen's School

Every 24 May, we celebrate National Brother's Day. A special occasion that recognises the unique bond between siblings. At the City of London Freemen's School, this day holds particular significance as we honour the brothers who are an integral part of our school community.

National Brother's Day is a time to reflect on the roles brothers play in our lives. They may drive us crazy at times, but they are always there to protect and support us. The bond between siblings is often very strong, and brothers hold a special place in this relationship, from being the protectors of their younger siblings to the family clowns who bring joy and laughter.

Two brothers posing back to back in front of main house at the City of London Freemen's School

When asked to describe their brother in 3 words, brothers James and William described each other as: 

"Passionate, Caring and Confident" - William about James

"Intelligent, Diligent and Amiable" - James about William

At Freemen's, we see these bonds in action every day. Whether it is the older brothers looking out for their younger siblings in sports, helping them with homework, or participating together in school activities. The camaraderie and support among brothers is a beautiful sight to behold.

Two brothers posing hugging at the City of London Freemen's School Junior School

National Brother's Day is a wonderful opportunity for us to recognise and celebrate the special relationships between brothers at our school. These bonds are a testament to the supportive and caring environment we strive to nurture at Freemen's. - Headmaster Mr. Martin

Parents and pupils are encouraged to join in the celebration by sharing their own stories and experiences with their brothers on social media using the hashtags #FreemensBrothers and #NationalBrothersDay. We look forward to seeing the heartwarming moments you can showcase in the spirit of brotherhood at Freemen's.

Happy National Brother's Day to all the amazing brothers at City of London Freemen's School!

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