Every gift makes a difference and has a huge impact on the lives of children and young people. You can make a difference to a child's future.
Thank you for supporting City of London Freemen's School. Your support means children and young people, regardless of background, can experience a Freemen's education. The benefits of which will continue long after they leave us and go into the world to make positive differences of their own.
We are committed to increasing the number of bursaries we offer, but our only source of funding for bursaries is from charitable donations. No income from school fees goes into the Bursary Fund. This is why we need your help
Thank you.
The Freemen's Bursary Fund is a registered charity, registration number 284769.
You can donate online or via bank transfer.
To donate online, click on the donate button below:
Bank Transfer
To donate by bank transfer, please use the bank account details below and add your name as a reference:
Account Name: City of London Freemen's School Miscellaneous Income
Account Number: 01066329
Sort Code: 30-00-02