Developing Leadership Through Partnership

City of London Freemen’s School is excited to launch a new partnership initiative called Developing Leadership Through Partnership, bringing together eight primary and secondary schools from the state and independent sectors to focus on school to school improvement, through collaboration and sharing good practice. 

A current or aspiring middle/senior leader from each school develops their leadership and communication skills and gains experience of other school settings, by working on a challenging issue in another school. Each school benefits from outside knowledge and skills, along with a fresh pair of eyes to solve a tricky problem.

Towards the end of the summer term, all schools will come together to share their learning and experiences, before starting the process the following term with a new set of topics, schools would like to be addressed.

James Felgate, Director of Learning, Teaching and Innovation said, "We know that the best form of CPD in schools comes from collaboration and networking with other teachers. So much can be gained from a conversation or the completion of a project with other subject specialists. We aim to create this model to provide free, school to school improvement that benefits the school, the project leader and the students. Only by creating partnerships across a wide variety of sectors and age groups, can we truly feel the benefit of staff expertise and collaboration and this is what we hope to achieve over the coming years."

Please contact Catherine Bennett if you would like more information or would like to take part in the next cycle of the project, commencing 2022-23.

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