Three students awarded Arkwright Engineering Scholarships

Congratulations to Alex, Ethan and Jamie in the Lower 6 (Year 12) who have each been awarded the prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship.

To earn their scholarship the students had to go through a national competitive selection process, including an examination and university interview.

The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as an outstanding engineer of the future. 

It aims to support and encourage students into engineering university courses, and aim to select the best and the brightest students in the nation. 

Our students will now have many exciting opportunities for work experience, extra enrichment courses, a professional engineer mentor via their sponsor company, and funding to assist their journey. 

*Any student in currently the Upper 5 (Year 11) interested in an engineering future should speak to Mr Hicks ([email protected]) about this year’s application process which opens soon.

Find out more about the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship here

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