L4 celebrates National Good Neighbour Day

Lower 4 entertained the Junior School with their fun and informative assembly on the subject of "How well do you know your neighbour?" to celebrate National Good Neighbour Day. As we go about our busy lives, it's easy to forget the wonderful community that surrounds us and with that in mind, the assembly commenced with the Junior School audience of pupils and staff introducing themselves to their neighbour.

This was followed by a story about The Good Samaritan and how important it is to be considerate and kind when you are living as part of a bigger community. This was re-enacted with L4 really getting into character to bring their roles to life! "Leo the Ladybird" then took centre stage to host some fun, interactive games with audience participation and teamwork: which team could build the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower and who could transport the most sugar across the stage without spilling it?!

The children left the assembly inspired to engage with their neighbours and with an understanding that this would foster a sense of unity, and build a stronger, more compassionate community. 

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