Obituary: Matty Kelbie
Development and Alumni

When I arrived at Freemen’s in 1978 as a part-time teacher of physics with some mathematics, Wyn James was Head of the department and Matty taught physics with some games.

As Wyn was very busy as Senior Master, later the Second Deputy Head, it was Matty who inducted me into the ways of the department. She did a brilliant job, as in everything with which she was associated. She and I shared the O-level teaching and some of the A level teaching; it was an exciting time. 

Matty was also Head of Hale House and, as an accomplished sportsperson herself, it was no surprise that Hale often won the House Cup for the most points gained in the annual inter-House competitions. 

Matty pioneered the teaching of electronics which became a popular O-level and then GCSE subject in its own right. Fortunately for the physics department, she continued to teach some physics. She was appointed Head of Electronics in the early 1980s and kept her laboratory open at lunchtimes for all-comers; it was always busy. 

Matty was an exceptional teacher, a great colleague and an inspirational Head of House. She was a loss to the teaching profession when she retired in the early 1990s and I especially missed her support and wise counsel.

Diana Hughes, Head of teacher 1978 – 2006, Head of Physics 1982, Head of Science – 1994, Deputy Head 1995 -2006

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