Farewell Mr. Robinson. 
Junior School RSS

Farewell Mr. Robinson. 

Freemen’s Bids Farewell to Beloved Junior School Head, Matt Robinson

Mr. Martin and Mr. Robinson together at the farewell gathering celebrations

In a heartfelt celebration, Freemen’s School came together to bid farewell to Matt Robinson, the esteemed Head of the Junior School. After a decade of dedicated service, leadership, and mentorship, Mr Robinson is moving on to new ventures, leaving behind a legacy that will be cherished for years to come.

Mr. Robinson smiling after being gifted a tree to plant in Freemen's in his honourMr. Robinson giving his farewell speech to an audience of Juniors, Seniors, Staff and Sixth Formers.

For the past 10 years, Mr Robinson has been an integral part of Freemen’s, inspiring students and staff alike with his unwavering commitment to education and personal growth. Known for his warm approach and genuine care for each pupil, he has been more than just a headteacher; he has been a mentor, a leader, and a friend to many within the school community.

The farewell celebration was a testament to the high regard in which Mr Robinson is held. Staff, junior school pupils, and senior students, including members of the sixth form and the FSA (Freemen's School Association), gathered for a surprise event that was filled with emotion and appreciation. The celebration featured songs, snacks, and cheers, culminating in a coordinated clap that resonated throughout the school, symbolising the collective gratitude and admiration for Mr Robinson.

Mr. Robinson receiving a gift of Freemen's branded Monopoly as a fan of board gamesMr. Robinson reciving a gift from the FSA

During the event, heartfelt speeches were delivered, gifts were presented, and memories were shared, highlighting the significant impact Mr Robinson has had on the school. The atmosphere was one of joy and nostalgia, as everyone came together to honour a man who has given so much to the Freemen’s community.

Freemen branded cupcakes with edible logo flake

Mr Robinson's departure marks the end of an era at Freemen’s, but his influence will continue to be felt. His dedication to fostering a positive, supportive environment has set a standard for future generations. As he embarks on new endeavours, the entire Freemen’s community wishes him the very best and extends their deepest gratitude for his years of service and friendship.

Thank you, Mr Robinson, for everything you've done for Freemen’s. Your legacy will live on in the hearts of all those you have touched.

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