Freemen's - Making a Difference
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Freemen’s – ‘Making a Difference’ to the Local Community 

As part of the Freemen’s ‘Learn, Lead and Make a Difference’ ethos, Making a Difference has become even more important in these unprecedented times.  We are proud to report that a number of initiatives have been undertaken by members of the Freemen’s community to help support medical services, help vulnerable people and NHS Staff, in the face of the Coronavirus outbreak.

In light of the much-publicised shortage of Personal Protective Equipment, Freemen’s Design Technology Department has donated 50 FFP3 masks to a local GP. Protective goggles, masks and aprons will be supplied this week to the Princess Alice Hospice in Esher, which are also in short supply.  Given the widespread shortage of some food-store staples and the difficulties some families face in times of increasing financial hardship, a supply of non-perishable food will be donated from our Boarding House to the local food bank.  Staff have volunteered to deliver prescriptions for local pharmacies to vulnerable members of the Ashtead community that are unable to access the service directly.

In an effort to help our NHS workers, we are communicating with the local NHS Trust to provide much-needed off-site parking with a shuttle to local hospitals in the area, as well as considering making use of our otherwise empty boarding facilities, to provide medics with a home-from-home within easy reach of local hospitals.

Finally, Freemen’s remains open over the Easter holidays for our pupils with Key Worker parents, allowing them to carry out vital work in these difficult times. We are reliant on volunteers from our Staff community to keep our doors open over the holiday period and are immensely proud to have such supportive colleagues willing to help ‘Make a Difference’.

Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

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