Freemen's Mikey Pinnock picks up Salters Award 2022-23 ​​​​​​​
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The Salters’ Institute is a charity that specialises in the promotion of sciences within education. It recognises excellence in A Level students through a series of A Level awards. 

Following the A Level exams in 2022, Mikey Pinnock was recognised as one of the top physics students in the UK, which is a fantastic achievement for him and the school. He attended a prestigious awards ceremony at Salters’ Hall to receive a certificate and cheque as well as a drinking from a vessel made out of horn, recognising the role the Worshipful Company of Horners play in physics education. 

Head of Physics, James Hallam commented: “Mikey developed his physics skills brilliantly throughout the course and thoroughly deserved this accolade. Congratulations, Mikey!”

Mikey Pinnock at the Salters Award


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