Freemen's Sport Active Week
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At Freemen’s, we know how keen our pupils are to keep physically active so we are excited to introduce Freemen's Sport Active Week.

During the week commencing Monday 22 June, we will be running a number of activities, challenges and ‘live’ sessions alongside a theme of the day. Pupils will be able to sign up for through their PE Teams groups.

Not to miss out on the annual Freemen's Sports Day we will be running a ‘virtual’ one during the afternoon of Thursday 25 June. Activities will be such that you can participate regardless of facilities and equipment. As usual this will be a House event and everyone who takes part will be rewarded with a point for their House!

Motivation and Movement Monday

Get involved in a number of motivation and movement activities including live 'Fast Feet’ & Circuit sessions in the afternoon.

Technical Tuesday

Sessions will be all skill based and there will be a number of instructional videos available to choose from run by a number of our staff and coaches, including football, rugby, athletics, tennis, cricket, netball to name a few.

Workout and Well-Being Wednesday

Complete one of the Freemen’s Staffs favourite 'lockdown' workout videos or choose a pilates or yoga session.

Thursday - Virtual Sports Day

Further details to follow.

Foodie and Feedback Friday

With art competitions, music compositions and a healthy recipe to try each day, Friday will be a great day to let us know how you have got on during the week. We will be keen to hear from all the Freemen’s Community of how everyone has got on during the week.

As well as finding out who is the winning House from the Virtual Sports Day #gohale #gowhittington #gogresham

Active Week - Recipes for the Week

Each day there will be 2 different cooking recipes to have a go at making, coinciding with the theme of the day. Choose either option 1 or option 2 according to your age and cooking skills. The winners will be those judged best overall, regardless of the option chosen.

You must make and submit a time lapse video of no more than 1 minute + upload to your PE TEAMS group. Remember presentation is important.

Please see the recipe ideas below. Good Luck!

Sport Image Competition

To compliment the sport activities that will be taking place, the art department would like to invite you to ignite and capture your creative side with a sporting image competition.

We would like pupils to capture the sport / sporting activity they do, and where they have done it, during this week through photography.

To help formulate some impressive images, these key words might be helpful to think about  to respond to; action, viewpoints, perspective, landscape and environment.    

Please take a series of photographs and send in your most successful one to [email protected]

Please make sure it is of a high resolution and appropriate for printing up in an enlarged format. Please see attachment below for more details.

Entries will be judged the following week, and results disclosed asap. Winners images will be printed up and displayed at school. We look forward to seeing all your entries.

U4 'Music for Motivation' Project

The Music Department have joined us in getting pupils to participate in Sport Active Week with their Music for Motivation project. Pupils were taught the key musical features of good 'workout' music over a few lessons and then set a composition competition where the winning compositions would be selected to accompany the Sport Active Week presentation video of all the activities that have taken place.

Congratulations to Maria-Athena who has been selected as the winner, followed closely by Oscar in second place and Keira in third place. 


This week is a great chance to get everyone participating. Keep an eye on your Freemen's PE Teams pages for more information. 

YouTube Videos

For Hockey;

1. TID Hockey video

2. TID Hockey video

3. TID Hockey video

4. TID Hockey video


For Tennis;

JT Tennis Intro

1. JT Tennis Warm Up

2. JT Tennis Footwork

3. JT Tennis Volley Footwork

4. JT Tennis Racket Warm Up

5. JT Tennis Forehand

6. JT Tennis Inside Out forehand

7. JT Tennis Racket Challenge

8. JT Tennis Half Volleys

9. JT Tennis Junior Challenge


For Netball;

1. Netball - Intro & Warm

2. Netball - Hand eye coordination

3. Netball - Hand eye coordination

4. Netball - Hand eye coordination

5. Netball - Speed & Agility

6. Netball - Reverse Pass Challenge


For Athletics;

Intro and Walking High Knees

1.  High Knees

2.  High Knee Kick Out

3.  Bounding

4.  Heel Running

5.  Right Leg Drive

6.  Left Leg Drive

7.  In and Outs Right

8.  In and Outs Left

9.  Hurdle Leg



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