BEST Society: Discussion with Local MP
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BEST Society enjoys a discussion with Local MP Chris Grayling on the Government’s economic objectives and what the future holds for young people in Britain.

Local MP and former front bench minister Chris Grayling was welcomed to the BEST (Business & Economics) Society at Freemen’s for a discussion with Lower and Upper 6 students about the government’s economic objectives and what the future holds for Britain. Mr Grayling has held a wide range of senior positions in the government, including several Cabinet posts, so it was an exciting opportunity for students to hear from such an experienced politician.

Following a brief introduction from Mr Grayling on his background and experience, attendees were given the opportunity to ask the former Cabinet Minister for his opinions and outlooks on various issues currently relevant to society. Given that this discussion was virtual, it was extremely gratifying to see so many students engaging with the event.

Some answers which Mr Grayling gave related to economic questions on the minimum wage, inflation and government debt, which showed the eagerness of the students to apply their A Level knowledge to real-world situations. Many students questioned the importance of government borrowing to aid a post-COVID economy, whilst others enquired about Mr Grayling’s inflation expectations after so much fiscal stimulus.

Indeed, given Mr Grayling’s profession, it wasn’t purely a macroeconomic discussion. Other topics which the students enquired about included the Black Lives Matter movement, climate change and the social impacts of Brexit. It was pleasing to see the high levels of engagement and wider reading that students had with topics not necessarily covered by the curriculum, in spite of the challenges of online learning. It was particularly encouraging to see how courteous and inquisitive attendees were. They asked questions in a respectful and confident manner, even though some students had differing political views.

The BEST Society compliments the Economics and Business A Level courses by providing a forum for discussion, encouraging students to develop their wider awareness of current economic, political, foreign and social affairs. The Society is the most popular academic co-curricular option for the Lower Sixth and is run by the students.

Massive thank you to Mr Chris Grayling for giving up his time to discuss these issues with our students; we certainly learnt a lot and we appreciate your enthusiasm.

We would appreciate hearing from anyone who might like to give a talk to the Business and Economics Society in the future. Please contact Mrs Marvin by emailing, [email protected]

Article written by Fawzi, L6 student and Chairman of the BEST Society

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