Equestrian Team Update
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Freemen's Equestrian Team commenced their team programme of training earlier this year before lockdown commenced.

This programme gives team members the opportunity to improve their skills, and work together to establish teams for competitive events during the year. 

Our members have enjoyed considerable success since the formation of  the team in 2013.

This year, Kezia has taken on the role of team captain and her experience and enthusiasm for the team has proved invaluable. 

Here is Kezia’s account of our first training session of the year;

"On the 14th March the Equestrian Team went to East Byshee for team training. We started the day off with our grassroots riders Rowan and Mei who both adjusted to their new ponies remarkably well and massive improvement was seen from the start to the end of the session. 

Next was myself and Izzy. We both had a lot of fun and definitely felt the session helped us brush up on our technique to benefit us with the upcoming season. Finally, the last session was Kate and Isobel. Having the training with team mates definitely helped boost team spirit as we could all watch and encourage each other. This has definitely made us excited to enter more NSEA (National Schools Equestrian Association) competitions representing Freemen’s and will have made us ready to compete once we are allowed to again after the Corona virus restrictions are lifted! We are looking forward to many more team trainings in the future."

Good Luck to the team, we look forward to hearing how the programme and competitions go. 

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