Professor A C Grayling talks meaning of life with Free Minds graduates
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Professor A Grayling gave the key note address to this year’s Free Mind’s graduates at a ceremony this week.

Imagining a world without the Humanities, Professor Grayling used the philosophical tradition to answer existential questions from students.

“The meaning of life is what you make it,” suggested the academic from the New College of the Humanities.

Professor A C Grayling Free Minds

73  Lower 6 students graduated from the Free Minds programme, after studying five short courses in addition to their A Level subjects during the year. Students enjoyed subjects such as: Six Key Moments in the History of Western Art, Contemporary Music Post Production, Mathematical Skills for Physical Science, The Anatomy of a Trial and Understanding Economics in the News.

A C Grayling Freemen's Free Minds Graduation

Tim Wright, who runs the Free Minds programme said: “the morning’s discussion between Professor Grayling and our Lower 6 graduates encapsulated the Free Minds programme in a nutshell. We ranged widely from topics such as human freedom to the ethics of colonising the universe and I am very pleased with the enthusiasm which our graduates have shown for their courses this year.“

Free Minds Graduation with A C Grayling

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