Joe: "I lived off flashcards!"
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Joe gained A* grades in Economics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics, plus an A in Geography.

Joe is excited about starting integrated masters degree at Warwick University. The four year course covers Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics.

"It is a variety of subjects and brings together loads of different perspectives. The teaching staff at Freemen's prepared me really well for university. I know where the next four years will lead for me."

Image of Student  getting his A Level results at Freemen's 2018

Joe joined Freemen's in Upper 3 (Year 7).

"It was good time to join because you do not have the stress of the Common Entrance and it is better joining the Junior School than the Senior School. We all had buddies and the timetable really helped us to settle in."

In the beginning, the change from GCSE to A Level was more difficult.

"At first, you have a lot more work to do and more to understand, but as you get through you get used to the workload."

Image of Student getting his A Level results at Freemen's 2018

He will miss the social aspects of Freemen's and says that his highlight was finding a way to balance the workload and sport, notably being part of the very successful rugby team, who were in the last 16 of the National Cup.

Joe's advice to next year's Sixth Formers is clear.

"Make a revision plan. What you will revise when. Use flashcards. I lived off flashcards!"

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