Olivia: "I'm stepping out of my comfort zone"
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Olivia secured 4 A* in Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Further Mathematics

Olivia has not moved school that often. In fact she joined Freemen's 11 years ago in Form 1, but after securing 4 A* in her A levels she is heading to the London School of Economics to study Economics. 

"I am stepping out of my comfort zone, but I am looking forward to my independence and university life. I am also excited to be studying one subject. At GCSE, you have to study loads of subjects, but now I can narrow it down to my favourite: Economics".

Image of Freemen's Sixth Former  who gained 4 A* at A Level 2018

Olivia found the step up from GCSE to A Level ok, but it was different.

"You are learning not just the concept, but also the application. You cannot just memorise the facts, you also have to apply them."

Olivia, who says she has made lifelong friends at Freemen's, will miss the support from the teachers the most as she leaves. 

"There won't be as many friendly faces at university and it will be more competitive."

Image of Freemen's Students  with their 4 A* at A Level 2018

The teaching staff helped Olivia feel prepared for the exams and beyond.

"The teachers were really supportive. The courses were all on time, so there was lots of time to revise and to learn exam techniques. We had some good talks from people coming in too. I think we are really stressed about our results, so it was really good to make us think about actual life at university." 

For next year's Sixth Form, Olivia advises revising often, "otherwise at the end of the year, you get stressed out. Do a little each week."

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