Freemen's students receive offers at highly competitive universities
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U6 2020 university applications update

With the 15th January deadline for UCAS applications now past, we are delighted to report  that so far, of 108 applications, 104 students have received offers for places on a huge range of courses at a number of highly competitive universities, so-called  ‘higher tariff providers’.

This headline figure includes some impressive statistics:

18 students have received offers from all 5 of their choices; 40 have received offers from the University of Nottingham, 36 from Birmingham University and 31 from the University of Exeter. Encouragingly, the number of unconditional offers made this year is significantly lower, following national findings that such offers were leading to a decline in achievement at A level by those holding such offers.

Freemen’s students have also enjoyed considerable Oxbridge success this year with 5 students holding offers from Oxford for PPE, Classics, Materials Science, Engineering Science and Psychology, whilst 4 students hold offers from Cambridge for Medicine, Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

A number of institutions popular with Freemen’s students have yet to make decisions, including Durham, Edinburgh and medical and veterinary course providers, although 3 students currently hold offers for medicine and veterinary medicine at Birmingham, Bristol and Surrey universities.

The vast majority of applications were processed and submitted by mid-October, well ahead of the January deadline and there has been great excitement amongst our students as the offers have steadily come through during the Autumn term.

Now the really hard work begins as our U6 set about converting those offers into places this summer!

photograph credit unsplash-logoVictoria Heath

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