Freemen's Eco Committee Needs Your Help
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Freemen’s Eco Committee are working hard to make our School more environmentally friendly. This academic year, their aim is to achieve the coveted Bronze Eco School Award.

The Eco Committee was set up in November 2018 by Ms Bueno Lopez, Head of Geography. The group meets once per half term and any students who are interested in the environment are welcome to join.

The Eco Committee believes in the philosophy of small conscious changes to make a difference to the bigger picture:

  • Be imperfectly Zero Waste
  • Be imperfectly Plastic Free
  • Be imperfectly Sustainable
  • Because small conscious changes are better than none at all

In the last 12 months the group has focused on encouraging people to recycle more effectively and reduce waste. So far, their achievements include:

  • Waste of 6,000 plastic water bottles has been reduced to zero.
  • Waste of 5,800 polystyrene takeaway boxes has been reduced to zero.
  • Use of plastic cups in the Dining Hall has been reduced by 90%.

Their next target is to collect and recycle 6,000 crisp packets to raise money for the Air Ambulance (Kent, Surrey, Sussex - AAKSS). For every kilogram collected, £2.00 is given to the Air Ambulance which goes towards funding essential medical equipment. Once collected, the crisp packets are then melted down to make park benches, garden furniture and picnic tables.

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If you would like to get involved, collection boxes for the crisp packets will be available in Haywood, Sixth Form and the Junior School – a simple way to be kind to the environment and raise money for a great cause at the same time.

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