A Wonderful Wellbeing Week
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Last week, the Freemen’s community was busy taking part in a range of different activities as part of National Mental Health Awareness Week 2018.

The aim of the week was to allow opportunities for our pupils to develop and further their approaches to wellbeing for the future whilst also opening up a strong dialogue surrounding the topic of mental health. Pupils from all year groups were able to take part in a range of activities from guided meditation and yoga sessions to story time and Art therapy. The Pavement Picasso wellbeing activity run by our Lower 6 prefects for the Junior School children was a particular success!


Head of Wellbeing, Miss Warburton says of the wellbeing programme at Freemen’s: “This year, Freemen’s has gone to great lengths to provide a strong foundation for pupil’s mental health and wellbeing. But it doesn’t end there – as the Head of Wellbeing I hope that last week was another step towards strengthening our approaches to a greater sense of wellbeing which is sustainable for our students’ futures... I am pleased to work for an institute that puts the wellbeing of pupils at the forefront of their education and produces resilient, happy and successful individuals for the future.”

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