Pupils Enjoy STEM Day
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On Monday 14 May, our Upper 4 pupils enjoyed an exciting day of activities and challenges to develop their thinking and STEM skills even further.

The company SATRO, who are known for their interesting challenges, came in to run a fun day focussed on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Pupils spent the day solving lots of interesting Maths puzzles, before designing, building and testing a lighting gantry. This tested their creativity and problem-solving skills whilst also using their Science skills and knowledge. After lunch, teamwork skills were tested even further as pupils were tasked with designing and building a bridge using K’nex.

Physics Teacher, Mr O’Donnell, said of the day: "It was very rewarding to witness pupils applying their skills and knowledge to hands-on STEM projects and to see how they overcame the difficulties that accompany working in groups not of their choosing. The boys were very much engaged with the activities and helped to produce some innovative engineering designs, but I was especially impressed by the participation and leadership of the girls – proof that many more girls should be taking up STEM subjects and careers. Well done to all involved!"

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