Emma Whiteley: "Take every opportunity at Freemen's"
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Emma Whiteley achieved 2 As in English and Geography and an A* in Philosophy

Emma says she is feeling very happy and relieved to have done so well in her A Levels and to have confirmed a place at the University of Kent to study Philosophy. 

Over the last two years, Emma, a member of Freemen's Hockey Team,  has found the Sixth Form to be hard work, but enjoyable. "I enjoyed the balance of the work, hockey and sports," she explains, but her highlight has been the support from other students. "We are all in it together. We are not isolated. We are going through something together."

Emma Whiteley secures 2 As and an A* at A Level

Having been at the school since Lower 2, Emma will miss the hockey, of course, but also the care and support of her friends. "I've grown up with them and we have had hard times and good times."

After 10 years at Freemen's, which Emma describes as "caring, supportive and sporty", she suggests other students make the most of their time here: "take every opportunity that comes. Even if you don't think it is significant, go for it and work hard."

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