Izzy Briggs: "I love Freemen's"
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Isobel (Izzy) Briggs achieved an A* in Business, an A in Geography, a B in Art and an A in EPQ.

Izzy is shocked. "I honestly thought I would get a D in Business. There are no past papers and it is a judgement subject, so I had no idea. When the result came up I had to read it over and over." Izzy is delighted with the A* and the rest of her results though and has secured her place to study Management Sciences at Loughborough University.

She will miss Freemen's however. "I really loved it. I loved Sixth Form. I should say it was hard, but I had all my girls with me. I don't want to leave."

The reality of leaving Freemen's is beginning to hit after 11 years at the school. "I don't know how to make friends. I have had my friends throughout and our year is just a massive family. We all get on and we are all so close.The whole atmosphere is so nice".

Izzy Briggs celebrates her exam results at Freemen's

There were of course some challenges during the last two years such as balancing the social side with the workload. "You know that you are all in the same situation, so you work when everyone is working and you go out when everyone can go out."

Izzy does suggest starting preparation for the exams early however. "You say you will start early, but then reality hits and you don't. Suddenly, it's three weeks before and argh! You need to start working early."

When pushed how she would describe Freemen's in three words, Izzy simply says: "I love it!" 

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