Aaron: "Find a routine that works"
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Aaron secured all A*, including three 9s, as well as an A grade at GCSE

"Find a routine that works. I would wake up, go to the gym and work for four hours. It is important not to overdo it," advises Aaron to next year's students tacking GCSEs.

Picture of student at City of London Freemen's School GCSE Results 2018

Aaron has secured impressive GCSE results. He credits his Form teacher with helping him prepare for the exams.

"The subject teachers were very helpful, but mainly it was Miss Vickers who helped me to focus."

He is now getting ready for Sixth Form.

"I am looking forward to being the top year, having positions of responsibility and more freedom." 

Aaron joined Freemen's in Upper 4 (Year 9). There was no trouble settling in as came with mates and also knew other people from rugby.

Picture of student at City of London Freemen's School GCSE Results 201

His highlight so far at Freemen's was the Cricket Tour to South Africa.

"It was a good group of guys to be with and the coaching was good."

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