Jenny: "You get out what you put in"
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Jenny gained 11 A* and 9s

Jenny and her twin sister both secured top marks across all their GCSEs, but Jenny wasn't nervous.

"I wasn't that nervous. I don't know why. Whatever happened happened."

Her advice to next year's cohort is to do a lot of work.

Picture of GCSE student at City of London Freemen's School GCSE Results 2018

"You get out what you put in. it is up to you at the end of the day."

She feels the teachers were supportive in preparing for the exams, offering extra support and even yoga to help her destress.

Jenny will study Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry at A Level.

Jenny joined in Upper 3 (year 7).

"There were a lot of new people. I think 20 and all the classes were mixed so it was easy to make friends."

Among friends and sport, one of Jenny's highlights of Freemen's was the French Exchange.

"There were good people and we had fun, then you had the overnight with the French person. It was a new experience."

Picture of students at City of London Freemen's School GCSE Results 2018

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