Tasha: "From my very first day, I loved Freemen's"
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Tasha gained As in DT, Mathematics, Physics and AS Further Mathematics.

Tasha was so scared she could not sleep the night before results, but having secured impressive A Level marks and a place at Newcastle to study Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture , she is relieved.

Tasha says she was nervous during the exams, but because the teaching staff had helped prepare her so well, she was not scared.

​​​​Picture of Students collecting A level Results 2018

"I felt I knew it all going into the exams. We had done all the questions before, so there was nothing to freak you out or mess you around."

Her advice to next year's Sixth Form is to " work hard from the beginning".

"Don't leave revision to the end. You do not want to be near the exams knowing nothing. Plus if you don't get the grades, don't stress. There are always other options."

Tasha has enjoyed her two years at Freemen's, naming the Ski Trip and Leavers' Ball as her highlights.

"I loved the Leavers' Ball. it was really nice to see the whole year dressed up and it was a nice way to say goodbye, particularly as it was at the end of school and not after the exams. A lot of other schools don't have that."

​​​​Picture of Student collecting A level Results 2018

 She admits that joining Freemen's was scary after being at her previous school for eight years.

"It was really nice. Everyone made me feel welcome. The teachers were so nice. I went home on my first day and told my Mum I loved it and i was so glad I had changed schools."

She will miss Freemen's and its small, safe environment, where she knows everyone, but is excited about starting at Newcastle.

"I am looking forward to studying a subject that is so niche and what i really want to do in a new place. it will be a different experience."

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