Zifeng (David): The Boarding House becomes your family"
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Zifeng (David) got As in Mathematics, Business and Computing.

Boarder Zifeng, or David as he is known, has learnt a lot at Freemen's and not just in the academic subjects that enabled him to secure a place at University College London (UCL) to study Management Science. 

Picture of Freemen's Boarder Student on his 2018 A Level results

"Being in the Boarding House, you get a lot closer to the people like you. They become your family. You get a lot of help from the year above and then you help the year below. You also get a life skills like cooking and organising events"

These relationships will continue on well past Freemen's as he already has friends from the Boarding House at UCL, although he will miss many of his day pupil friends, most of whom are not going to study in London. he will also miss the teachers, who he credits with preparing him for the exams.

"There was a lot of support in projects like in computing and in exam techniques for Business, where there is no exact answer."

David suggests exam technique is key for revisions.

"Get the exam technique right and bang out past papers. In Economics and Business, there are also short video webinars, which are really helpful."

Image of Freemen's Boarder Student  on his 2018 A Level result

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