Boarding House officially named
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Walbrook takes centre stage at Freemen's

Solangela Garbutt, Alderman John Garbutt, Roger Charwick OBE and Headmaster Roland Martin attended the official naming of the Freemen's Boarding House, now Walbrook.

Referencing the links with the City of London, boarding pupils were asked to select their favourite name from the Wards of the City of London to be the new title for the Boarding House. Walbrook made the grade - it contains two of the City's most notable landmarks: the Bank of England and Mansion House. The brook played a very important role in the Roman settlement of Londinium, the city now known as London. The stream started in what is now Finsbury and flowed through the centre of the walled city, bringing a supply of fresh water whilst carrying waste away to the River Thames. It is thought that the brook was named because it ran through or under the London Wall.

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