Mia: "There are so many helping hands within the School"
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Mia gained two 9s, two 8s, two 7s, two 6s and an A in Drama.

Mia is very pleased with her results and glad that she has got everything she needed, especially having found Maths and Science particularly challenging.

Going on to study Drama, English and Religious Studies here at Freemen’s brings Mia a lot of excitement. She thoroughly enjoys Drama and looks forward to studying new scripts and having the smaller, more intimate classes that our Sixth Form offers. Furthermore, Mia is eager to meet the new students entering the Sixth Form this year as well as reconnecting with friends she has from Manor House who will be joining Freemen’s.

“Freemen’s has offered incredible support to me on an individual basis as well as overall to my whole year. I am quite an anxious person and the School has catered to my individual needs where possible, which has provided me with that one-on-one support that has really benefited me. There is always a teacher that you can go to for anything you may need which is a very reassuring thought. Miss Blair, the Head of Upper School, has been so supportive to me and she always knows the best person to go to for whatever it is you need.”

Since joining Freemen’s in Upper 3, Mia’s overall highlight had been attending the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2017 with the School. She really enjoyed the dramatic aspect to it as well as the opportunity to mix with various age groups within the School.

Mia has completed her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) and has taken part in the RAF section of CCF in which she really enjoyed playing the drums in the marching band. She particularly enjoys her time being in the Theatre Club as it has given her plenty of opportunities to go to London and watch shows with her peers.

Mia would thoroughly recommend that future GCSE students not be afraid to ask for help. There are so many helping hands within the school who may not acknowledge that you need help unless you ask.

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