Tom: "Amazing preparation from the School"
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Tom gained five 9s, one grade 8, one 7, one 6 and one grade 5. 

"I'm really happy and I've done a bit better than expected" explained Tom, who is going on to study A levels at Freemen's in Mathematics, Economics and Geography. "With my GCSEs now behind me, I'm setting my sights on studying exactly what I want to focus on in my A levels. I'm looking forward to being at the top of the School, having more independence and hanging out in the Sixth Form Centre with old and new friends alike."

Sport has been a major feature in Tom's School life since he joined Freemen's in Form 1. As captain of both the School rugby and cricket teams he has enjoyed the highlights that sporting achievements bring.  Tom has also embraced the opportunity to complete both the bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) awards which proved to be a rewarding experience alongside his GCSE studies. 

"Aside my very pleasing results, my biggest achievement is my personal improvement which has been driven by amazing support from the teachers. I didn't feel under a tremendous amount of pressure, because I worked hard consistently throughout the course. By the time I got to the exams, I knew exactly what to expect." Offering advice to next year's GCSE students, Tom advises to "be super-organised, make notes and plan ahead." 



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