Sarah: "Freemen’s has a great atmosphere and environment which reduces the pressures of exams"
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Sarah acquired eight 9s, two 8s and an A in Additional Maths in her GCSEs.

Sarah was elated with her results and is thrilled to be going on to study her A-levels here at Freemen’s which includes Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. She looks forward to the independence that she be afforded in Sixth Form, as she believes that she will feel more of a sense of accomplishment and pride over the work she has completed.

“Freemen’s has a great atmosphere and environment which makes the pressures surrounding exams reduce massively. All of the teachers here will give up their free time and go above and beyond to assist or support anyone who needs the help. My history teacher, Mr Bloomer was always very approachable and willing to help.”

Sarah recently went on a World Challenge trip to Zambia with the school where she undertook projects like building a house for people in need. She really enjoyed the helping out aspect of this trip as well as the time she got to spend with her friends.

“Mock exams were a big challenge for me as they were spaced over a shorter amount of time than the normal GCSE exam period, which I found quite overwhelming, but were good preparation for the real thing."

Sarah has completed her Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards (DofE) in which she loved the expedition aspect and she hopes to complete the Gold ranking at some point over the next two years.

Sarah regrets not starting her revision any earlier so she would recommend future GCSE students to prepare and start revision as early as possible so that they do not have to cram in all of the work at the end. She also said it will be much more of a relaxing experience if they write up useful notes throughout the year to keep up to date and to avoid having to do that when more effective revision is necessary.

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