Head of Boarding running London Marathon for SpringBoard Charity
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Jemima Edney, Head of Boarding and Co-Curricular activities at Freemen’s, is running the London Marathon on Sunday 26 April raising money for the Royal SpringBoard charity.

Royal SpringBoard is a national charity that enables children from troubled or financially unstable homes to attend the very best boarding schools in the UK by providing bursary opportunities. 

Jemima chose this cause because

“This is a wonderful charity that enables disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils to attend boarding schools like The City of London Freemen’s School. I've supported a number of these pupils and have seen first-hand how lives are changed by this opportunity. The money we raise here will have a direct impact on a child's life.” 

Royal SpringBoard gives life-transforming boarding school bursaries to disadvantaged and vulnerable children from across the UK. They currently support just under 500 children and aim to increase this to 1000 children in schools at any one time by 2023. All of the children and young people supported are from families where the household income has been assessed as being well below that needed to fund a boarding school education.  They either are currently, or have been, looked after in the care system; vulnerable and on the 'edge of care' due to difficult home lives; or are from areas with high levels of social deprivation.

They believe in the ‘Whole Child Agenda'; a wraparound pastoral support system, which provides the best opportunities for the bursary pupils to thrive. Their vision is to create a sustained ‘ripple effect’ of increased social mobility across deprived communities. This means that the impact of our work is not restricted to the individual child, but also positively influences the lives of their families and their wider neighbourhood.

Good Luck Jemima! If you would like to support Jemima and donate, please visit the fundraising page



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