Walton Heath Pen Pals
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The Freemen’s community is thrilled to be helping local residential care homes such as Walton Heath Manor during the lockdown, by providing letters to residents and cakes and face shields to the hard-working staff.

Our wonderful Form 1 pupils have been writing residents letters as part of their home learning. The children usually visit the residents on Thursday afternoons during their Enrichment sessions, so they thought it would be a lovely idea to write to the residents while their weekly visits are postponed. The letters have been well received and the responses from residents and pupils are now going back and forth between the new pen pals and firm friendships are now flourishing. Freemen's pupils have been delighted with the replies from 46 of the residents, who are busy recounting what they are doing whilst on lock-down.

In addition to the letters, cakes made by pupils have been baked and delivered to those in need. Gus, a pupil from Lower 5, has set up and co-ordinated a fantastic initiative to bake cakes for NHS key workers and local organisations such as Walton Heath. Gus and fellow pupils have baked a variety of cakes for the residents. "It's incredibly rewarding and doing something nice for someone else, and it has provided a lovely focus for our time on lock-down."

In addition, 160 face shields have been delivered in two batches for the staff at the home. A representative passed on the following message of thanks; “the delivery of face shields is amazing as masks are like gold dust, but these shields are far better. Freemen’s has been so incredibly kind to us. Thank you so much.”

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