Students compete in Debating Competition
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On Friday 22 November, the Freemen's Debating Team competed in a brand new Debating Competition, run by the Dorking Rotary Club at St. Teresa's School.

Accompanied by Mrs. Unsworth-Hughes and Mr. McEwan, the competition was attended by three schools, and Freemen's put forward two teams. 

Team 1 comprised of Samuel, Marcus and Tom (chair) and Team 2 comprised of Jad, Kathleen and Nathan (chair). The evening saw a number of interesting and strongly argued debating topics – including a debate over the extent to which the government are responsible for our happiness, arguments for and against lowering the voting age to 16 and a discussion of the evidence for and against the moon landing.

Whilst St. John's School were ultimately the victors of the competition, and will be going through to the next round, a big congratulations goes to the Freemen's pupils for their hard work, impassioned viewpoints and creative arguments.

We are especially proud that Marcus got a special mention for his use of humour in his speech, and the team has learned a lot from their experiences to take forward to the next competition. Well done to all.


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